Management CV Services

The Management package is focused on your career and your accomplishments. We capture the full scope of your skills and experience, career progression, specialist areas of expertise, business strategy, decision-making abilities, leadership style, and your key contributions in terms of revenue building, efficiency and effectiveness.
Included within your document will be key competencies such as initiative, confidence, interpersonal skills, ability to influence, analytical and conceptual thinking, relationship building, management of change, ability to handle pressure and consistency of performance.
A management CV doesn’t need to be 5-10 pages long to showcase who you are (and shouldn’t be) and what you can bring to an organisation. Some of the best management CVs are only 2-3 pages long and say more in a short space.
This service is suited to all supervisors and managers.
Our CV service will dramatically improve your existing Management CV and advance your chances of securing a new job.